Tuesday 11 October 2011

Problem 16 - Suitable Aircond and Lamp

I have found the problem in the family entertainment center on the 3rd floor Mega mall.
Air cond and lights do not work very well and looks quite attractive and is not suitable for an entertainment center.

Problem Statement:
  • Do not feel cold in the entertainment center
  • Not very comfortable at the sight
  • The atmosphere is so bright and is not suitable at the center of entertainment
  • Lighting is not very interesting 
So, I propose some solutions to improve the quality entertainment center in Megamall.
With this could indirectly increase the economy because many people will visit in the future.

  • Provide more dimly-lit lamps and suitable entertainment center
  • Provide lighting that looks interesting and looks luxurious
  • Take downgraded so much cooler air
  • Adjust the size of a lamp and smaller air conditioners as a central entertainment area.
  • Adjust light to avoid eye pain due to glare.
  • Adjust the light as the color of paint used. 
  • Use air conditioning to save money and attract, but quality
REFERENCE : http://www.google.com.my/imgres?q=air+conditioner



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