Tuesday 11 October 2011

Problem 14 - Karaoke Center

I find karoeke center in Megamall so diffucult for customers to find songs and is not automatically to find the songs and the rooms are not comfortable.  

Problem Statement:
  • Waste time
  • Customer difficult when selecting songs
  • Does not represent progress of Megamall
  • Using the remote to switch system audio karoeke
  • Karoeke skrin too small
For the solve this problem, i think they must improve their karoeke system to attend many people to come their karoeke servis at Mega mall

  • Provide a comfortable chair
  • Provide a selection of songs through the touch screen
  • Set the audio system in the PC automatically karoeke
  • Provide the appropriate size of the touch screen
  • Upgrade offers guests a room with a more closed and soundproofed
 REFERENCE: Internet

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