Tuesday 11 October 2011

Problem 13 - Automatic Open-Close Door

     When we enter Megamall or any shop that are located in the mall, we usually have to encounter many kind of doors. Some kind of doors are knob door, push-pull door and etc. Many kinds of this door usually have to be open by hand by people. It is clearly a problem for people whose have difficult to use their hand such as someone with broken hand or someone with a lot of plastic bags in his hand.

Problem Statement :
  1. Doors that are used have to be open by hand.
  2. Doors was placed in the wrong placed.
  3. People who is holding a lot of shopping bag or having a broken cannot open it without another people helps.
  4. People can get knock by door if standing beside it.

Solution :
  1. Sliding door is the best choice than push and pull doors.
  2. Doors should be change into sensor doors were it will open automatically when people is nearer.
  3. Location should be specific where people go in and out freely.
 Written by : Ruhi.

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