Monday 10 October 2011

Problem 8 - Automatic Pay & Get

     People easily get tired after walking, playing or even just surfing shop to shop without buying anything. So, of course water will be the first things that people searched. It is very unlucky if there was no water to be found nearly. One of the problems that I found was at the bowling place in Megamall where younger people came in and out to hang out and play bowling.

Problem Statement :
  1. People have to pay the water taken at the counter that is so far away from the fridge.
  2. If there is a lot of people, a queue have to be made so it will be easier but it still taken time.
  3. To make sure there will people didn't leave without paying, a worker have to be there to take care of it.

Solution :
  1. Change the original fridge into an automatic machine.
  2. The machine should have 2 ways of paying where both coins and notes can be used.
  3. Machines should be place in a good position where people usually take a rest.
Posted by : Amirah

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