Monday 10 October 2011

Problem 7 - Easy Book Searcher

     --- In Megamall, I went to one of the bookstore there. The bookstore was full with people standing and we can see a lot of books everywhere. But there, I encounter a problem that delays my time to get the books that I want. ---

Problem Statement :
  1. A lot of books were not arranged according to the shelves that were marked.
  2. Customer has to go from one shelf to next shelf to find their wanted books.
  3. Books cover a lot of space making costumer unable to move around to search freely.
  4. A lot of time was wasted due to the problem stated.

Solution :
  1. Insert a machine where costumer can search their books easily based on title, author, publisher and etc.
  2. Display books in the shelves according by the shelves marked.
  3. Make space by display 2 or 3 of the same book as a sample.

Posted by : Ruhi

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