Wednesday 12 October 2011

Last Check!!!

  12th October 2011, Wednesday on 10.45 pm at Area at KK1, UMP

  Our last objective was to update our blog and check if we need to change anything in the blog to make it for satisfied.
  We start by checking our last updated at the blog. The problem that we detected in the blog we tried to edit it. We make sure all the post are arranged correctly. We also make sure that all the posts are published in the blog. After we are satisfied with our blog, we separate our ways back to each other rooms.
  All the group members are available in the meeting.

Posted by : Ruhi.

Problem 20-Automatic Signboard

I found the signboard that is used to indicate the direction at each level are not clear and not very visible.
In addition, the signboard toilet quite hidden.

Problem statement:

  • Customer difficult to find a toilet
  • Customers need sharp eyesight to read the signboard. This situation would cause hardship to elderly people to read
  • Not attractive and not look for size too small
  • Font which is used is not very clear and painful eye.
  • Small size and hidden signboard.

I provide solutions to make easier customers. This will also change the perception of customers who first came to the mega-mall to shop for providing the signboard that is easily understood and clearly legible.


  • Provide a more luminous signboard for easy seen at night
  • Customize the type, color and font size and background color suits the signboard so as not to hurt the eyes.
  • Draw the symbols that are easy to understand with a simple explanation for easy all levels of understanding.
  • Make signboard larger size for easy look
  • Prepare a signboard which can move to look more attractive and increase the name Malayasia as a developed country



Problem 19 - Rubbish To Clean

     There are a lot of rubbish in this world. So, the importance of having a dustbin is cannot be denied. In a mall, it is important to have a lot of dustbin placed everywhere. Without the rubbish bin, trash can be found anywhere at anyplace.

Problem Statement : 
  • The size of the dustbin are small.
  • Limited to small trash only. 
  • Item cannot be recycled because it is mixed together.
  • People can get dirty by opening the dustbin.

Solution : 
  • Dustbin change into sensor dustbin.
  • Sensor dustbin can be open automatically by placing hand near it.
Written by : Amirah

Problem 18 - Token To Play Game

     Arcade game are loved by people from all aged. It is one way for to throw out their stress with playing shooting games, car games or etc.

Problem Statement : 
  • People have to buy token to play games.
  • Token are only available at counter.
  • Counter location are located far away from the game that are usually played by customers.
  • Customer have to go to the counter to buy ticket.
  • Customer have to queue up if there are a lot of people.
  • If there is a problem related to the token, customer have to queue again.

    Solution : 
    • Token or ticket machine should be placed in the game center.
    • It should be anywhere as long as nearest to the game.
    • Customer should be able to get token by coin or notes.
    • People don't have to queue up since it is easy to change the token.

      Written by : Ruhi.

      Problem 17 - Menu Need A Change

      Problem Statement :
      1. The size of the menu cannot fit all the drink or food on sale.
      2. The worker has to fix it by hand if the price has to be changed.
      3. The cost of changing into a new menu banner is expensive.
      4. The menu banner will ended up in a bad condition every time the price have to be changed or someone of the menu have to be replaced.

      Solution : 
      1. Menu should be in a led screen or touch screen.
      2. The menu can be change automatically and easily
      3. Menu can be change at anytime and the customer can be updated.
      4. When the chef for a certain desert are unavailable, the menu can be change fast.
      5. The menu can be looking perfectly.
      Written by : Amirah

      Let's The Blogging Come To End

        12th October 2011, Wednesday on 3.25 pm at KK1 are, UMP

        Our objectives are to check all the solution, problem and picture. We also want to update the blog and settle the blog with all the problem that are left.
        We check all the solution, problem and picture that are solved in the latest meeting. We make sure everything fine. We update the blog according through the posts. We also settle all that are needed to be posted into the blog just like our objective. We parted our way after we decided to meet again to make a last check of our blog.
        All group members are available in the meeting.

      Posted by : Izan.

      Tuesday 11 October 2011

      Problem 16 - Suitable Aircond and Lamp

      I have found the problem in the family entertainment center on the 3rd floor Mega mall.
      Air cond and lights do not work very well and looks quite attractive and is not suitable for an entertainment center.

      Problem Statement:
      • Do not feel cold in the entertainment center
      • Not very comfortable at the sight
      • The atmosphere is so bright and is not suitable at the center of entertainment
      • Lighting is not very interesting 
      So, I propose some solutions to improve the quality entertainment center in Megamall.
      With this could indirectly increase the economy because many people will visit in the future.

      • Provide more dimly-lit lamps and suitable entertainment center
      • Provide lighting that looks interesting and looks luxurious
      • Take downgraded so much cooler air
      • Adjust the size of a lamp and smaller air conditioners as a central entertainment area.
      • Adjust light to avoid eye pain due to glare.
      • Adjust the light as the color of paint used. 
      • Use air conditioning to save money and attract, but quality



      Problem 15 - Scanner

      I found the giant Mega mall many items that do not put a price tag sealing.This will be inconvenient for customers to evaluate the price of the smart.

      Problem statement:

      • Waste of time
      • It is difficult to compare prices
      • Diffucult for customers to know the price by finding workers there
      • Many people are confused and angered
      • Dropping the name of good supermarkets in Malaysia

      So, I think this supermarket should provide scan the barcode on the wall for easy customer set the price.

      Solution are:
      • Prepare a barcode scan the walls in every department
      • Put a price tag that will not easily detach
      • Set machine to paste a sticker price

      By : NurFadhilah

      Problem 14 - Karaoke Center

      I find karoeke center in Megamall so diffucult for customers to find songs and is not automatically to find the songs and the rooms are not comfortable.  

      Problem Statement:
      • Waste time
      • Customer difficult when selecting songs
      • Does not represent progress of Megamall
      • Using the remote to switch system audio karoeke
      • Karoeke skrin too small
      For the solve this problem, i think they must improve their karoeke system to attend many people to come their karoeke servis at Mega mall

      • Provide a comfortable chair
      • Provide a selection of songs through the touch screen
      • Set the audio system in the PC automatically karoeke
      • Provide the appropriate size of the touch screen
      • Upgrade offers guests a room with a more closed and soundproofed
       REFERENCE: Internet

      Problem 13 - Automatic Open-Close Door

           When we enter Megamall or any shop that are located in the mall, we usually have to encounter many kind of doors. Some kind of doors are knob door, push-pull door and etc. Many kinds of this door usually have to be open by hand by people. It is clearly a problem for people whose have difficult to use their hand such as someone with broken hand or someone with a lot of plastic bags in his hand.

      Problem Statement :
      1. Doors that are used have to be open by hand.
      2. Doors was placed in the wrong placed.
      3. People who is holding a lot of shopping bag or having a broken cannot open it without another people helps.
      4. People can get knock by door if standing beside it.

      Solution :
      1. Sliding door is the best choice than push and pull doors.
      2. Doors should be change into sensor doors were it will open automatically when people is nearer.
      3. Location should be specific where people go in and out freely.
       Written by : Ruhi.

      Problem 12 - Automatic mop

      I found the cleaning method in Megamall using human labor that is too heavy.
      Those who clean the area around Megamall also like the elderly.
      In addition, a floor mop in use are not based on present age of technology that reduces the use of manpower.

      Problem Statement:
      • Use human energy too heavy a large place
      • waste time or late do work
      • Not very clean or satisfy
      • Dangerous to customers children or public people
      • Uncomfortable to the customer
      In this modern era to keep the premise clean with friendly environment is a headache even after spending much more. To eradicate such headache we at smart have started a unique division for cleaning and allied service to provide the best hygienic environment.

      The solution are :
      • Use automatically floor machine
      • Use automatically floor vacuum
      • Saves time
      • Easy to use
      • Take care customer safety
      Reference: Mega mall places, Internet


      Problem 11 - Rest Chair

           There a lot of people often get tired easily in Megamall. So, chair are one of the needed in the Megamall, so people can take rest before continue shopping. There are many chairs or bench was placed in Megamall. But can it really make people rest?

      Problem Statement :
      1. The chairs are not comfortable. 
      2. It can be broken easily by children.
      3. Not attractive so no one notice it.

      Solution : 
      1. The chairs should be replaced with massage chair.
      2. It should be able to set time of the massage so people can rest as they wanted.
      3. The position should be strategic, not located in a hidden place. 
      Written by : Amirah